This morning slept late until 8, after partying with Sam the night before. Then worked and found the perfect combination as I am a morning person and Lauren is a night person. So if we are in time zones that are 12 hours different as we are I can work in the morning and my dear can work at night and we email and talk to each other and get much done.
This afternoon I was taken by Awren driving her truck to the Human Translation project, where they restored and built a modern reservoir in a location that had been used by the Khmer Kingdom in the 11th century. Apparently the reservoir is fed by a stream from the Kulan mountains and this stream was a dividing line in the 1990's between the Khmer Rouge and the Cambodians. Now the new reservoir and the new canal system shall provide water for drinking irrigation and fish farms. This is what water being the source of life is all about. HT has installed 60 or so bio sand water filters and now is working on turning the management of the reservoir over to the Villagers, however that can not be done until the Villagers learn some basis adult literacy to be able to record readings of the water depths and flow and learn how to operate the reservoir on their own. The turn over to the Villagers is to occur sometime in March and may be an event to worthy of filming.
The reservoir is located on Aspara land as there is the Temple Choucray Vibol there. We visited there. It is next to a closed monastery.
I learned that this is a one shot project and has taken them 7 years to get to this Phase III. It is not HT's intention to do another one; but to encourage its indigenous NGO partner Cambodian Translation to utilize the know how to do another reservoir. One of the key persons in this organization is Chai and I am excited about Chai being one of our compelling characters in our film. Lauren and I met him briefly and I now have a dinner planned with him for this Thursday.
I do hope someone is reading this blog. I have no plans tonight except to watch this wonderful tennis match between Nadal and Murray.
Paul, I have been reading this blog from the beginning and am finding it fascinating! I posted several comments but now see that they didn't get recorded, I guess because there's a word verification thing to do that I never noticed before. You said awhile back that anyone that's read this far must either love you a lot or is very interested in the technicalities you're talking about. I DO love you a lot, and find the technicalities really interesting as well. Also the pix. And your having seen a sign about Greta's baby. Keep it going, I'm your faithful reader! Love to you, H.