Peam Village is the village that our prize winning funds are being used to bring 12 wells and education to the Villagers. The B team was there filming consisting of yours truly, Narla as narrator ( wonderful Cambodian who visited the US with Andrea and Brandon) and Steve my new friend and enthusiastic photographer now turned videographer. We tried using his boom mike for Narla to narrate the scene of the Villagers learning how to brush their teeth and general hygiene, well repairs and filter maintenance.
On the way back Narla and I stopped and bought some orchids to make my apartment a little more homey for when Lauren and Lyman come.
After this visit I again went back and polished up Vathana's application. The band was not there yet to practice. but I got a wonderful greeting from the band members that were there.
I got a haircut for $2. It really is the closest thing to shaving my head but with clippers. Next step is to shave it but need to get the blades to maintain it. The crazy thing was the barber with a blade razor shaving the hairs of my ears.
Came home and watched the finals of Federer beating Murray and doing emails. Then I was invited by the Owners of my apartment building for an " apertif" at 6 pm. It turns out that the owners are Josh Levine ( born in Cambridge Ma. and his Dad is an avid fly fishermen and lives in Livingston Mt...need to follow up on this) now lives in Kyoto but has a big architectural office in HCM city Vietnam ( Saigon). He is married to a Vietnamese woman that he met in Malaysia. We had drinks at the apartment of an Israeli man married to a Cambodian, who owns some cafes in Siem Reap. His Mother was there and just leaving to return home to Jerusalem. His partner Scott from the UK joined us for dinner and he lives in Saigon now. Also joining us was Othello a film producer and his French girl friend that live in Saigon. We ended up for dinner at an Indian restaurant on Pub street that was quite good.
Are you trying to shave your head entirely? Might you stay and become a monk?