February 15

Feb. 15. Went to TB and gave them pix of boy scout and Sras trip, that I had downloaded on my thumb drive. I need to have Steve do a picture of Nak and me and bring it to her.. Initiated Rattana to set up visit to Sras on March 9-10, as March 8 is Women’s Independence Holiday. It seems that the number of three day weekends rivals that of the USA. Nuong, my unsuccessful house broker who also touts herself as a fixer and nature tour guide, broke her lunch meeting with me and rescheduled for later in the day at 5:30 pm. So I did some errands. I needed to extend my visa as I was not able to get a business visa at the airport and ended up with a 20 day visa which expired on February 17th. Guess that means I have been in Cambodia for a month without Lauren, as I re-entered the day Lauren left for home on the 17th of January. I will be fined $5 a day upon leaving the Country if I do not extend. The strange part of it is to get an extension, other than paying the fee of $45, I needed to surrender my passport so it could be sent to Phnom Penh for processing which takes a week when the 3 day holiday for the Chinese New Year is accounted for. I am trusting this process !!! I have a copy of it so that when I travel to Battambang I can use the copy when checking into the hotel, which always wants to copy it. You go to a travel agent to do the extension, so while I was there I bought all of the tickets that Lyman and I need to return to Siem Reap from Phnom Penh after a week of filming there and the tickets for all three of us to leave on March 19th, with Lyman catching his flight home from Phnom Penh and us from Bangkok. I met Nuong for a beer and to hire her as a fixer to arrange for us to be able to film a traditional dance ( Aspara dance)., a shadow puppet performance and a trip to Phnom Kulan ( Mount Kulan) where there is a waterfall and a pagoda to arrange for a blessing by Monks to be filmed at the waterfall. We shall go the waterfall on Saturday and I need to figure out if we should try and film it now with Steve and save a day from our shooting schedule with L and L. I had dinner at home and ate a home made dish of pasta and Bolognese sauce that I had cooked earlier in the day. This is the first real dinner I had made for myself and I froze most of it for another night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feb 19-20, office day and an adventure

I spent Friday by starting with a long skype conference call to Lauren and Lyman as time is now getting short before they arrive and we begin shooting. The heat for them will be oppressive and we have a tight schedule that involves two nights in a village and a helicopter ride. So I spent the day on the phone and at my computer lining things up. Skype for free is such an amazing service. I was even able to take a snapshot of my new grandson Zachary and post it as my picture on skype. I worked out in the afternoon and ate at home for dinner, so I had a sort of hum drum day for Cambodia. I also learned that Walgreens bought out Duane Reade so I doubt that my efforts during the last four months before I headed here in the NY burroughs will produce any results and now doubtful I have much of a career left with Walgreens. So I am 4 months shy of receiving social security and may now be a film guy and a fisherman.
Saturday I went to the top of a mountain about an hour and half out of Siem Reap to scout out a waterfall there and a river site where we hope to shoot monks giving a blessing. The Chief monk was not there so we were not able to shoot but we got all of the contact info and viewed the sites. The only real way to make anything happen in this business of film making is to meet in person.
Then we did a hike over basaltic lava and into the jungle for an hour in the sun and heat to see an elephant and three lions sculpted out of rock in the 11th century. Before that we visited a pagoda that is at the top of the mountain where you can see Tonle Sap ( the lake) and the town of Siem Reap. The khmer rouge controlled this strategic area until 1998 and there are signs around indicating that the area has been cleared on land mines by Halo and CMAC. Then we had lunch beside the river in a grass roofed hut. Beer rice chicken lemon grass and pork soup. We fed our leftovers to kids hanging around us who were also playing in the river. Some could not swim so they stuffed empty plastic water bottles in their shorts to be able to float. I took a swim underneath the waterfall. I rented a bathing suit for 50 cents.
Exhausted and dirty returned and showered and had dinner with Sam to discuss my project of getting his donors to now spring for money to build bio sand filters. I crashed around 10.

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